The official currency valid in Turkey is Turkish Lira, abbreviated as TL. At the picture you can see the new symbol of Turkish Lira accepted in 2012. It symbolises the letters “t” and “l” as well as an anchor, a symbol of stability and power.
You may also use foreign currencies in the touristic areas, Euro and US Dollars are commonly accepted in shops and restaurants.
You can change your currency for Turkish Lira in local banks, change offices and PTT offices (post offices). A change office is almost at every corner in Alanya and it´s called Döviz Bürosu in Turkish language.
You can withdraw money from ATM machines in TL, Euro and US Dollar. Do not ask for help any person from the street you do not know.
Banks are opened between 8:30 and 17:00 from Monday to Friday. They are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Visa card and Mastercard are more often accepted in shops and restaurants in Alanya than American Express. In fact, if you pay cash you can get a better price.

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