Alanya Public Transport

Alanya public bus

Public transport in Alanya
You can easily explore Alanya using public transportation. The municipality buses are numbered, and air-conditioned, and most of them have been replaced with new disabled-friendly models. The buses stop at regular bus stops.

Alanya City Buses

In the UKOME General Assembly, a decision was made. The new fare schedule for inner-city transportation sets the full fare at 23 TL, up from the previous 18 TL, while student fare is set at 10 TL and credit card fare at 28 TL. For those not using a city card but opting for a credit card per month, the fare is set at 30 lira.

Besides the numbered Alanya buses, you will also find smaller local buses (dolmuş) that connect surrounding neighbourhoods with Alanya Center. These routes terminate at the Friday Bazaar Bus station in Alanya.

For intercity travel, you need to go to the main bus station called “Otogar.” Tickets are available at any of the bus companies’ offices at the station. The intercity buses are usually very comfortable, air-conditioned, and modern, and they offer refreshments on board. This makes it easy for you to travel to Manavgat, Antalya, Ankara, Bodrum, and other cities in Turkey.

Click title to show track
Line 1
Line 2a
Line 2b
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 7b
Line 8
Line 9
Line 10
Line 11
Line 12
Line 13
Line 14
Line 15
Line 16
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19
Line 202a
Line 202b
Line 303

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